Comparative Research and Study of the Contents of the Valley Ball Competition 배구경기(排球競技) 내용(內容)에 관(關)한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)(Ⅰ)
李成根S.K.Lee , 崔永根Y.K.Choi
9(0) 3-21, 1974
Comparative Research and Study of the Contents of the Valley Ball Competition 배구경기(排球競技) 내용(內容)에 관(關)한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)(Ⅰ)
李成根S.K.Lee , 崔永根Y.K.Choi
1. The teams particpated for the 2nd Nationwide Professional Valley Ball in 1973
2. The Japanese team that was invited to Korea on October 27, 1973 and Korean National teampertaining to their Serve, Spike and Receive. in including the above mentioned varios teams.
1) The successfull ratio of male teams of serve were :
Male Pro. team. 1.64%
Korean National Team-1.15%
Japanese National Team-1.15%
Female Pro. Team-1.60%
*The ratio of failures were :
Male Pro. Team-3.10%
Korean National Team-1.01%
Japanese National Team-5.74%
Female Pro. Team-3.20%
2) The successfull ratio of receiving of the serve, were :
Male Pro.-98.50%
Korean National Team-98.78%
Japanese National Team-97.96%
Female Pro. Team-97.80%
3) The successful ratio of A Quick
Male Pro. Team-50.47%
Korean National Team-40.00%
Japanese National Team-27.27%
Female Pro. Team-55.69%
*The Ratio of failures :
Male Pro.-18.5%
Japanese National Team-9.09%
Female Pro. Team-13.91%
Korean National Team-was exception, non-failure.
4) The successful ratio of B Quick.
Male Pro. Team-56.27%
Korean National Team-75.00%
Japanese National Team-47.03%
Female Pro. Team-47.30%
*The Ratio of failures were :
Male Pro.-19.45%
Korean National Team-8.33%
Japanese National Team-25.00%
Female Pro. Team-10.14%
5) The successful Ratio of Time-interval spikes were :
Male Pro. Team-47.28%
Korean National Team-45.45%
Japanese National Team-50.00%
Female Pro. Team-41.25%
*The Ratio of failures were
Male Pro. Team-18.30%
Korean National Team-18.19%
Japanese National Team-30.00%
Female Pro. Team-13.28%
6) The Ratio of Open Spikes were
Male Pro. Team-42.15%
Korean National Team-34.21%
Japanese National Team-37.96%
Female Pro. Team-28.59%
*The Ratio of failures was;
Male Pro. Team-21.84%
Korean National Team-23.68%
Japanese National Team-27.77%
Female Pro. Team-11.08%
7) The second step Spikes were;
Male Pro. Team-81.88% successful and failure 28.84%
Korean National Team-62.5% successful
Famale Pro. Team-33.33 successful and 22.03% failure
Japanese rational Team-had not attach at all
8) The Ratio of success in receiving from the spikes of open and time-interval during the A Quick and B Quick were;
Male Pro. Team-60.34%
Korean National Team-100%
Japanese National Team-55.55%
Female Pro. Team-80.76%
9) The Ratio of successful receiveing in the second step spikes were ;
Male Pro. Team-60.34%
Korean National Team-100%
Japanese National Team-55.55%
Female Pro. Team-80.76%
10) The Ratio of successful receive from the Direct Spikes were ;
Male Pro. Team-16.66%
Korean National Team-66.67%
Female Pro. Team-81.81%
11) The Ratio of Successful Receive from the Faint Spikes were;
Male Pro. Team-58.61%
Korean National Team-83.33%
Japanese National Team-50.00%
Female Pro. Team-71.70%
12) The Ratio of Success of Indivudual Breakings were;
Male Pro. Team-15.38%
Korean National Team-20%
Female Pro. Team-11.27%
13) Net Touch were;
Male Pro. Team 23.33% in the Spike and 76.67% in the Receive.
Female Pro. Team-43.55% in the spike and 56.34% in Receive.
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A Study on the Physical Fitness Test Items and Norm for Cymnastic Players 기계체조선수(器械體操選手)의 운동적성(運動適性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
李商鍾S.J.Lee , 柳根林K.L.Yoo
9(0) 23-31, 1974
A Study on the Physical Fitness Test Items and Norm for Cymnastic Players 기계체조선수(器械體操選手)의 운동적성(運動適性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
李商鍾S.J.Lee , 柳根林K.L.Yoo
The Purpose of this study is to make Item to evaluate Gymnastics player-s physical Fitness.
The Sample ware high School boy’s and girl-s Team, Collagiate male and Female Team and Munich olympic Korea national Team and Japanese national Team.
The investigators Constructed physical fitness test Items.
The test Items were administrated an data were Collected and Statistically analyzed.
1. Gymnastics player’s physial Fitness Tes Itemst were recommended
1) The Test of physique
Chest Circumference.
Length of the upper limb.
Length of the lower limb.
2) Physical Fitness Test
100 metr run.
1,500 meter run.
Forword Flexion of truuk. (Standing)
Vertical Jump.
3) Skill Test
L-Type Suppot.
Cross-Type Support.
Back cntinue Somer-Sault. (Male)
Continue Back Hand-Spring. (Famale)
Foot toe balance.
2. Evalution for norms are listedin table-five.
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Study of the Relationship of Judo Players Reaction Time and Skill Movement Time 유도선수(柔道選手)의 반응시간(反應時間)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
安永煥YoungWhanAnn , 朴喆斌ChulBinPark
9(0) 33-42, 1974
Study of the Relationship of Judo Players Reaction Time and Skill Movement Time 유도선수(柔道選手)의 반응시간(反應時間)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
安永煥YoungWhanAnn , 朴喆斌ChulBinPark
Although Judo in one of the oldest forms of self-defense arts and sports in the Orient, the sport in its present form is considerd to be relatively new. However, Judo courses in high schools, colleges and other institutions are very popular. and the contests are well attended. There has been a tremendous increase of enterest in the sport of judo:but, as evidenced by the available literature, relatively little research has been done on the sport of Judo.
The subjects for this study were twenty-eight male contestants who participated in all Korean Collegiate Judo Championship Tournament. Subjects were randomly chosen for this study. Testing instrument was designed and produced by the Research Lab. of the Department of Physical Education of the Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. 1/100 Second standard timer was used for the study.
Data were collected by this investigator and two assistans. data were further analysized statistically using Pearson-Product Moment Correlation Coefficient.
The six hypotheses were tested in the study and the following conclusions were stached:
1. There were statistically significant differences between light reaction time and movement time of loin skill. (r=+0.88).
2. There were statistically significant differences between light reaction and movement time of foot skill in Judo. (r=+0.28).
3. There were statistically significant differences between light reaction time and sound reaction time. (r=+0.58).
4. There were no statistically significant differences between light reaction time and height. (r=-0.172).
5. There were negatively significant differences between light reaction time and weight. (r=-0.292).
6. There were statistically significant difference between movement time of foot skill and movement time of loin skill in Judo. (r=+0.626).
The finding in this study point to the need for further study. Recommendation is; A more extensive method of research involving many skills is needed to draw further conclusion.
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청소년(靑少年)들의 체력조성(體力造成)을 위한 실험적(實驗的) 방안(方案) -Ⅰ 《순환운동을 중심으로》
柳根碩 , 玄友泳 , 曺泳八 , 吳英楔 , 李學來 , 金碩鎭
9(0) 43-60, 1974
청소년(靑少年)들의 체력조성(體力造成)을 위한 실험적(實驗的) 방안(方案) -Ⅰ 《순환운동을 중심으로》
A Study on the Correlationship Between Reaction Time And Skill Movement Time in Male College Auhletes 운동선수(運動選手)(농구(籠球) 펜싱 및 유도선수(柔道選手))의 반응시간(反應時間)과 기술동작시간(技術動作時間) 및 순발력(瞬發力)과의 상관관계(相關關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
9(0) 73-78, 1974
A Study on the Correlationship Between Reaction Time And Skill Movement Time in Male College Auhletes 운동선수(運動選手)(농구(籠球) 펜싱 및 유도선수(柔道選手))의 반응시간(反應時間)과 기술동작시간(技術動作時間) 및 순발력(瞬發力)과의 상관관계(相關關係)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
The primary purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between reaction time and skill movement time in fencers, judo players, and basket ball players. The secondary purpose of the study is to compare reaction times of fencers, judo players and basket ball players one another and to gain quantative in formations.
Fifteen male fencers, fifteen male judo players and basket ball players were randomly chosen as subjects for the study. Subjects were tested (1) standing broad jump, (2) sargent jump, (3) simple reaction time, and (4) skill movement time.
Within the limitations of the study the following conclusions were reached:
1. There were statistically correlated between simple reaction time and skill movement time of the three sports players. (Judo players r=0.88, fencers r=0.60, basket ball players r=0.31.)
2. There were no statistically corrletad between simple reaction time and power of the three sports players.
3. There were statistically significant differences between fencer’s simple reaction times and judo player’s simple reaction times. (0.001 p 0.01)
4. There were statistically significant differences between ball player’s simple reaction times and judo player’s simple reaction times. (0.001 p)
5. There were no statistically significant differences between basket ball player’s simple reaction times and fencer’s simple reaction times.
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Dynamic Compasion Analyses about Back Handspring 손짚고 뒤로 돌기의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
金貞漢J.H.Kim , 金尙國S.K.Kim
9(0) 79-88, 1974
Dynamic Compasion Analyses about Back Handspring 손짚고 뒤로 돌기의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析)
金貞漢J.H.Kim , 金尙國S.K.Kim
This study, the dynamic analysis in back handspring was investigated in order to give effective techniques to many gymnasts.
I made six tumbling-players choose as an object of the study. Each players won from the first prize to the sixth price in the Gymnastic Championship series in autumn, 1973. Practically I had taken photographs at that time.
1. Leverage
Back handspring is a kind of leverage: bones, joints and muscles act function as a pair of the lever. We know that the distance between the Point of working and fulcrum is shorter than that between the point of carrying a burden and fulcrum.
I have proved in this study that the working of "body-lever" is influenced by the working power and working speed.
2. The power with feet that kick over the atmosphere are variable according to the body-weight, the height, and the angle of sitting posture in handspring.
For example, (1) Mr. Kim O Cheul gives power as much as 2337.7 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 6996.2 newton in on time in continuous action.
(2) Mr. Lee O Teak gives power as much as much as 2027.77 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 5712.04 newton in one time in continuous action.
(3) Mr. Park O Kill gives power as much as 2002.95 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 5168.2 newton in one time in continuous action.
(4) Mr. Shin O Soon gives power as much as 2128.81 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 5185 newton in one time in continuous action.
(5) Mr. Choe O Ho gives power as much as 2128.81 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 5545.69 newton in one time in continuous action.
(6) Mr. Lee O Yeoul gives power as much as 1986.19 newton in standing jump in back handspring and 4730.2 newton in one time in continuous action.
By looking into the power that above six players give in back handspring, we can learn that the power in jumping successive handspring is much more powerful than in standing jump. Therefore, back handspring has been in often use as another event.
In this study, back handspring shows us leverage.
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A Comparative Study of the Values of Sports Between Korean Students and foreign Students Ⅱ. 스포오츠의 가치(價値)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (스포오츠 모럴 (Moral)에 관(關)한 한국(韓國) 및 서구각국(西歐各國)과의 비교연구(比較硏究) Ⅱ. )
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
9(0) 89-97, 1974
A Comparative Study of the Values of Sports Between Korean Students and foreign Students Ⅱ. 스포오츠의 가치(價値)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (스포오츠 모럴 (Moral)에 관(關)한 한국(韓國) 및 서구각국(西歐各國)과의 비교연구(比較硏究) Ⅱ. )
高興煥H.H.Koh , 黃寅勝I.S.Hwang
The Purpose of the Study
The primary purpose of this study is to investigate Korean student`s understanding of the value of Sports.
The secondary purpose of the study is to compare Korean student`s understanding of Sports Value with foreign student`s understanding of values of sports. Methodology
Data were collected by using questionnaire Ramdomly selected 1882 students were used as subjects. Data were further compared with foreign data.
The following ionclusions were obtained by this study :
1. There were no differences on the understandings of the values of sports between Korean students and foreign students.
2. Korean subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item (9) than Switzerland, and German Subjects.
3. Korean subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item(8) than Switzerland, American and German subjects.
4. West-German subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item(5) than Korean subjects. and Korean subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item(5) than Japanese subjects.
5. American subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item (4) than Korean subjects.
6. Korean subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item (6) than Japanese West-German, and Switzerland subjects.
7. Switzland subjects have shown the higher number of respondents for item (3) than Korean subjects.
8. West-German and Switerland subjects have shown higher number of respondents for item (1) than Korean subjects.
9. Increase of interest for recreation item correlate positively with age.
10. There was difference for the item of "individual moral building" between Japanese and West-German subjects. In other words Japanese subjects shows increase of interest by age but West-German subjects decrease in this item.
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A Comparative Study on Physical Education Curricula (for Men) in Universities between Korea and the United States 남자(男子) 체육학과(體育學科) 교육과정(敎育課程)(전공과목(專攻科目))의 비교연구(比較硏究) - 한국(韓國)과 미국(美國)의 대학(大學)을 중심(中心)으로 -
9(0) 99-119, 1974
A Comparative Study on Physical Education Curricula (for Men) in Universities between Korea and the United States 남자(男子) 체육학과(體育學科) 교육과정(敎育課程)(전공과목(專攻科目))의 비교연구(比較硏究) - 한국(韓國)과 미국(美國)의 대학(大學)을 중심(中心)으로 -
This study is conducted to know main trends in physical education curriculum by comparing programs in Korea and the United States for a development of better physical education program in Korea. Eleven universities in Korea and twentysix universities in the United States are at random selected for assembling data in this study. Comparative educational problem approach established by George Z.F. Bereday is used in analyzing and comparisons in this study.
Results of the study can be summarized as follows.
1. The field of science is found to be assigned with heavier units of time in the United States than in Korea.
2. The field of physical activities is found to be put with heavier units of time in Korea than in the United States.
3. The field of philosophy is found to be put with much more time in Korea than in the United States.
4. The field of humanities is found to be assigned with heavier units of time in Korea than in the United States.
5. The field of sociology is found to be put with heavier units of time in Korea than in the United States.
6. The field of Natural Science is emphasized more in the curriculum of Korea.
7. The field of the physical culture is found to be with the very heavy units of time in the United States.
8. More peculiarities are found in the United States, but nothing in Korea.
9. Track and field courses are found to be with the very heavy units of time in Korea.
10. Very heavy units of time are assigned to the field of gymnastics in the curriculum of Korea.
11. Differences are scarcely found in the ball games in programs between Korea and the United States.
12. Other subjects ane found to be with heavier units of time in the curriculum of the United States.
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9(0) 121-136, 1974
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Relationship of Movement Time to Different Ranks of Tae Kwon Doiste 태권도 단급과 동작시간의 관련에 관한 연구
9(0) 137-144, 1974
Relationship of Movement Time to Different Ranks of Tae Kwon Doiste 태권도 단급과 동작시간의 관련에 관한 연구